I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Gosh friend, I appreciate the vote of confidence, but really I can’t pull off that innocent - but not at all ~_^ - cute thing you’ve got going on. It’s just not in my wheelhouse and that’s ok. I’m that tiny 5ft inclusive feminist asshole who lets dudes have it at the slightest hint of misogyny or phobia, that’s my place. I’m pegged as a man more often than most of my mtf friends are, despite appearing fully feminine, because I’m no longer performing my femininity in a way cishet men are ok with. And I like it this way.

    You are rocking it, hun! You remind me, in this pic, of a woman I knew in my early 20s (also mtf, lovely lady!) She went and fixed my car for me by ripping off a part that’s unnecessary, and then put on this adorable geisha gown and we hit the town. Fucking blast, but she pulled off the gown so so much better than I could have because she just had the personality, the vibe, the towering 6 foot presence that makes you go “O.O…. ~_^”

    You have that sort of vibe and I’m here for it!

  • I’m distro hopping because Ubuntu was perfect for me in basically every way, but I don’t want to be locked to a closed distro…

    I haven’t found anything I like yet, and I don’t have the skills (or motivation) to make core Debian feel the same.

    I’ll probably end up back on Ubuntu, at least for my server machine… it just worked the way I wanted it to, and the ui was lovely for me. Plus it’s stable enough that I can just keep it up indefinitely without issue.

  • I think Mozilla has something like this as well (also a subscription).

    I’m of the opinion that, at this point, one of the best infosec things a company could do is include a subscription like this (assuming they are safe and work as intended) for all employees as part of their compensation package, much the way they sometimes provide financial consulting services or gym memberships. Maybe one of the providers will start offering enterprise packages.

    If we could purge large quantities of data on employees, it would be that much harder to use social engineering for hacking. As a bonus, if enough people got themselves purged, it would entirely disrupt the data harvesting and selling models, potentially making them worthless. That would be a huge win.

    But I don’t think many people are going to pay for it themselves. They just won’t care that much. So as a work perk, it incentivizes them to use it by being free.

    I’m not in IT or anything, but my close friend is in security, so it’s something I consider quite a bit.

    Edit to add: obviously I’d rather see it illegal to collect data and sell it and all but that’s not going to happen any time soon, and this could be a lot faster. And if it becomes a business expense, businesses might just push for legislation…

  • Speaking from experience, it functionally ruined them, at least the early macs -exact os/model unknown- we had (school computers well behind the curve and all). They’d need to be reformatted after. It would delete, then iirc just crash and you’d reboot into errors (my memory of this is spotty, it was a very long time ago)

    I used to do that in the computer lab when I was supposed to be doing typing practice. Fucking hate typing “properly”.

    Note: I am not a verifiable source, this is anecdata.

  • Apathy Tree@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlWhen a real user uses the app
    3 months ago

    Eclipses happen every year like clockwork (it basically is clockwork, but on a huge scale). Eclipse seasons are spring and fall, around the equinoxes. You could very easily fly to see a total eclipse every few years if you want to, because we know when they are going to happen and where will have totality - it’s very routine stuff. There’s literally nothing special at all about the one that just happened, except that a lot of people haven’t seen one before because it hasn’t happened -at that location- in a time.

    So no, absolutely not something you’ll never get a chance to see again, tho you won’t be able if you go blind like a fucking moron.

  • My next Va appointment is on a game day right around pitch… it’s going to be a nightmare getting there since it’s like right next to the stadium… 🙄 ima have to go 3 hours early just to avoid that shitshow.

    But yeah, I don’t do sports things so idk anything about our tailgaters with a few exceptions (below), however I have heard Wisconsin fans travel well for all our teams, college and pro. It’s a fucking shame we don’t have a hockey team, I’d be all over that and know a lot of others who would too.

    My exceptions are having been to packer opening day a few years ago, and going to the cotton bowl in Dallas Texas back in like 2014 or whatever it was. I’m not a sportsball sort of person, but the former I got free tickets because my partner briefly worked for the packers, and the latter we got $15 tickets and used it as a road trip excuse to see the badgers.

    My people know how to food and beer and social around it. Sadly that’s all many of us know.

  • I do the same thing, but you do realize you do it -because- it’s a problem, right?

    Like you shouldn’t need a separate email for “I want to buy this/sign up for this, but I know I’m going to get a fuckton of emails so I need to use this separate email address to protect my main one from junk”. That just shouldn’t be a thing.

  • This would absolutely flag me for something. I tend to have flat delivery, low pitch, avoid eye contact, etc. and when combined with other metrics, could easily flag me as not being a happy enough camper.

    I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m never going to be happy to be working, but if I showed up that day, I’m also in a good enough headspace to do my job… and if you want to fire me for that… for having stuff going on and not faking vocal patterns…

    This is why I don’t want to work anymore. It’s gotten so invasive and fraught if you happen to be anything but a happy bubbly neurotypical fake. And that’s wildly stressful. I’m not a machine, and refuse to be treated like one. If that means I have to die in poverty, well, dump me in the woods, I guess.

    This shit should never be legal.

  • I used to have that every day of the week. Anxiety attacks were my alarm clock, typically 2 hours before I needed to be up with no chance of getting back to sleep. I stuck it out for 2 years.

    Now when I start getting that I make note. If it continues for more than a few months, I quit. (I’ve never been stable even when I took shit, so what difference does it make?)

    It’s not stable, but nothing about the present system is stable, and I’d rather be unstable on my terms than theirs.

  • I have a hideous lamp that I hate that’s worth about a grand. It doesn’t look like it’s worth that much, just a heavy brass base and reverse painted landscape shade… but all antique and sought after.

    My cats are probably going to break it so I should sell it but it was the last lamp my mom refurbished before she died (why it didn’t get sold and I got it in the first place)

    I also have a brass fairy floor lamp that, with no shade, is worth about $1500, but that one looks valuable, and is very rare (and super cool)

  • If you order something without an active prime membership, it shows the long delivery time, like a week or whatever.

    If you then subscribe to prime before it ships, like the next day or something, it will update your shipping to the prime 2 day window. And will be delivered within that window.

    It’s all entirely artificial. I’ve done this several times and it always works that way (small order of needed items, then realize I have the free trial again so sign up and order whatever else I’ve been needing and putting off). Fuck Amazon.