Angry_Autist (he/him)

IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2024


  • I dunno man, they’re really happy with the work life balance and the C-suites are happy with their productivity.

    It’s funny even our sales and logistics departments are wfh, and the only people I ever see on the off chance I need to load a tape rack or something is security and building maintenance.

    And we’ve been RIDICULOUSLY profitable all through covid. In fact covid only served to show the remaining staff how productive WFH is.

    We are making so much money rn that they don’t even CARE about property costs and they leave the lights and AC on 24/7 for maybe 2 people in the entire site, and our 3 satellite sites are just as empty.

    Sure there may be some A type salesbro personalities that need to be around others to work effectively, the largely spectrum oriented development community needs no such frippery.

  • I have tried unsuccessfully to transition to linux as my daily driver more than five times now since the early 00s and every single time I run into a major failure that halts all progress, and then I go back to it a few years later hoping for something different and each time being left for days without being able to get it running. Never had this problem with windows.

    And I’m a seasoned senior IT admin that has stood up and maintained dozens of linux servers in my lifetime.

    Yet every time I share my terrible experiences with the software AND the community, there’s alway some rancid windowlicker rushing into the comments to tell me “Acktchsually it is commercial software that is wrong”, again reminding me of just how terrible you people are.

    And now that I have someone of your ilk here, I’d also like to ask:

    #Why the FUCK are you people wasting so many millions of hours of human effort by everyone and their brother making functionally identical distros with vanity tweaks, and getting into doxxing over stupid shit like over which U.I. to package.

    Your software is shit, it will never be desktop ready because none of you can focus on the real issues. You can lie to yourself all you want but Windows is simply the superior desktop OS.

    Keep in mind, I don’t really like Windows, but I fucking hate linux with a seething vitriol only matched by some racist homophome grandpas seeing their daughter kiss a black woman. And people like you are 30% of the reason.