Probably says “Made in China”.
Probably says “Made in China”.
To this day that company never healed from the Beamtentum and never will. Beamte are a horrible solution to anything and should only be a last resort, e.g. for the critical part of infrastructure as the railroad network. Not for the garbage companies operating on it.
Economics Explained is famously inaccurate. For factual economics look into Money & Macro
Problem is, that cities are politically gerry-mandered into entitities with SFH developed areas and countrysides. That’s why we don’t see urbanism as the powerful political force that it could and should be.
Exactly. The sucessful lobbying of the German automobile industry is a good analogy why SAP sucks.
Also likely to have more money.
Gaia-X was such a typical conservative project it’s even funny: deny reality and put the responsibility of policy makers on businesses.
If it would have been a good idea, private entities would have already started doing it. European tech didn’t need ideological inspiration by politics, but funding. Money. They need money.
God, whenever I hear SAP I think of disaster and cringe. SAP has the sexappeal of satellite telephones.
To be seen soon: Greece cutting back on pensions and social security in Germany and helping it to rejuvenate its economy.
I feel offended that you seem to be right, because I’m a German and I rarely heat at all.
So, if Facebook does it, it’s evil, but it’s fine if publishers and newspaper do it on their websites?
Sorry, I indeed misunderstood. Looks like, I was not the only one. So, you’re not wasting money, neither do you waste food. It seems you’re just a camel :)
Did you count the calories on those meals? Because my meals are always pretty much exactly on 450kcals, so that’s only 1350kcals. With a Banana, a proteine shake, milk coffees and a chocolate bar that would still be way below 2000kcals.
Breakfast is against nature and I am ready to die on this hill.
This. Skipping a meal to afford food delivery is not a financial problem. It’s like saying “I am poor because I can only afford to drive one way with my Lamborghini and have to walk home”.
Ja, da wird mit zweierlei Maß gemessen. Vor allem haben die USA die sensibelsten Unternehmensdaten dank AWS, Azure und Office ja sowieso schon. Dem chinesischen Staat kann man ja echt viel vorhalten, aber sich einfach Hirngespinste zusammenreimen, nur weil man irgendwo in ner Überschrift mal was von einer Spyware gelesen hat, ist schon abenteuerlich.
Genau die dreckigen Chinesen die nur fekalien fressen!
Gar nicht so weit daneben, denn Schätzungen gehen davon aus, dass 10% allen Brat-Öls in China wiederaufbereitete Fettbatzen aus der Kanalisation sind (sog. gutter oil).
Das halte ich für sehr sinnvoll, hat aber nichts mit der Behauptung zu tun, dass alle Touristen gezwungen werden würden, Spionagesoftware zu installieren.
Labor shortage? I mean, that was not even true back when it was easy to get a job. But nowadays it’s just an utter denial of reality as labor market turned heavily back to employer side and across all industries people find it difficult to land any job, at all.