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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • but I generally see suicidality as a symptom of something else. If we can improve the “something else,” the suicidality improves or even goes away in the vast majority of cases.

    If it was as easy as that she would never have gotten her request approved. It is extremely rare for someone at her age to have her euthanasia request approved on account of mental issues. Hell, it is near impossible to get your request approved for this at old age, let alone when you are in your 20’s or 30’s. So please be careful with comments like this, as having exhausted all available treatments is a prerequisite and there are a lot of those. Mental healthcare in the Netherlands is in a fairly shitty state thanks to 20 years of budget cuts and ‘let the market solve it’-policy, but it is not so shitty that we just resort to killing off troubled people.

    If medical professionals would even have had the lightest feeling that there was a way remaining to get her some semblance of a normal life, she wouldn’t have been eligible.

  • Actually both options are possible here in the Netherlands, it’s a matter of preference of the patient. In both cases a doctor will be present, whom will also supply the drugs if a patient chooses to take them themselves.

    This case is incredible rare though, it is already extremely hard to have a euthanasia request granted for mental issues at an older age, let alone someone so young.

    A bit more background on ‘the aftermath’: after the euthanasia took place a coroner will establish that this was indeed the case and once that is done the public prosecutor needs to give permission before the remains may be buried or cremated.

    Also, the coroner will send the report of both the physician who approved and performed the euthanasia and that of the SCEN-doctor, who performed the obligatory 2nd opinion mentioned in the article, to a special committee who will check if everything went by the book. Not only the procedure leading up to the euthanasia, but also the act of the euthanasia itself. If there are doubts about whether or not all means of treatment were exhausted and if there really was undue and indefinite suffering, or if there are any doubts if the patient really wanted to go through with the procedure at ‘the moment supreme’, a doctor can be held accountable for that. Fortunately that is rare, as the whole procedure is not taken lightly.

  • Aganim@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf Hosting Fail
    4 months ago

    Isn’t dendrite formation and the shorts they can cause a much bigger concern when dealing with old batteries that are being charged 24/7? Asking a genuine question here, so please don’t shoot me if I’m wrong. 🙂 I’d love to hear more about the most common failure modes and causes for li-po/ion batteries.

  • Aganim@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldWayland vs Xorg be like
    4 months ago

    X11 is stuttery

    Not for me




    Received a number of commits just last week: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg

    can’t really be updated for new features that are pretty important in 2024 (VRR, HDR).

    VRR is supported, at least on AMD: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Variable_refresh_rate

    For HDR you have a point, afaik.

    Wayland gets so many more of the basics so much better than X11 it’s not even funny anymore.

    And yet X11 works rock solid for me, while Wayland still crashes whenever I so much as look at it wrong. The amount of time and work I’ve lost because of Wayland crapping out on me isn’t even funny anymore. On AMD by the way, so no blaming Nvidia’s crappy Linux support.

    Wayland will probably be the better product one day, but this day is not that day, at least not for every use-case. Great that it works fantastically for you, I genuinely advise you to keep using it, but keep in mind that ‘mileage may vary’ from person to person. Personally for now I’ll stick to X11, as I need to get work done and unfortunately don’t have time to muck around with Wayland’s antics.

  • Aganim@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldE!!!!!
    6 months ago

    Seems the CPU has become the bully these days:

    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    Keyboard: E
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?
    CPU: hey keyboard do you have anything for me?

  • This could be shorted to if your device has no driver it wont work which is obviously true.

    What I tried to tell is that if you have to rely on community driver projects, don’t expect fun times, at least not when it comes to Realtek in my recent experience.

    If you have very recent hardware and you find it doesn’t work out of the box on stable options the easiest thing to do is install a more recent kernel.

    I already had the latest available kernel at the time, as in: the very latest officially released kernel by kernel.org. Ubuntu was just a last-ditch effort as it will sometimes have drivers included that other distros might not have, normally I wouldn’t touch it with a ten-feet pole and go either Arch or Manjaro. The driver simply wasn’t included in the kernel. How do I know? Because I stumbled upon some discussions that mentioned the lack of support and 3 kernel releases later support for my card was specifically mentioned in the changelog.

    Respectfully if DKMS wasn’t automatically kicking in then you configured it incorrectly. It’s a lot easier to just rely on a package that sets this up for you properly.

    Yes, like a Realtek-XXXX-dkms package, which simply didn’t work. I’ve configured stuff for DKMS before, scripting stuff for Linux is part of my daily workload, so yeah, you don’t need to tell me scripting beats doing stuff manually.

    The fact that getting an f*cking wifi card to work takes this much effort is what I meant with ‘not fun times’ and for me validates the meme, anecdotal as it might be.

    Resorting to other distros, configuring additional repos so you can install a different kernel version, having to try different community projects to see which gives you a working driver, having to deal with getting DKMS to work, this is all stuff which hampers Linux adoptment. And without more adoptment we won’t have to expect more support from manufacturers for desktop related consumer hardware. So yeah, that does make me cry a bit. It’s a catch-22 unfortunately.