My experience with Lemmy feels like my experience with Linux. I’m a nerd at heart and have played with a thousand variants of Linux over the decades. But as much as Linux is sold as the next Windows/MacOS, it never gets to that level. Trying to get people to understand the quirks of Linux (and why they are “better”) has been an act in futility. Linux just isn’t user-friendly, no matter the variant.

I see so many posts of people trying to understand what Lemmy is, what an instance is, why usernames are not unique (unless you include the server name - like email), etc. I just see it all as a huge hurdle to overcoming Reddit.

I’d be thrilled to be wrong.

    1 year ago

    Well yeah you are right I have two computers one with windows for gaming and the other one for Linux. I daily drive Linux and I have never met no one that uses Linux. Just a developer.

    I really like how Linux is right now , slowly progressing to become better for the users.

      1 year ago

      I think Linux is great and doing just fine, I suppose my concern for Lemmy is that whilst I’m happy for my OS to be pretty much a community of techies I’d prefer my social media feed to be a little more varied.

      When there’s far more posts about what window manager you use as opposed to pictures of cute cats there’s an imbalance in the force. I suspect I’ve further upset this balance by arriving on Lemmy and talking about Gentoo :)