I’ve seen a video talking about the leaked Facebook files where it says they should remove true information about side effects. It says Facebook should remove:

True information:

a. Delta: The Surgeon General wants us to remove true information about side effects.

I’ve tried posting about the side effects a few times but it always gets downvoted to oblivion, so I guess most people don’t want anyone to know about the side effects and want the US government to censor that information, but I don’t understand why.

Why do you think people should or shouldn’t know about the side effects of the COVID vaccine?

  • livus@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    @Veritas your link does not quite say what you think it says/were told it says. Here’s what it says:

    • 2.8 percent of people in the study had mild myocardial effects (that’s your one in 35)

    • most of them were women

    • the effects were shortlived, “mild and transient”

    • none of them even had any ECG changes

    • none of them had any adverse cardiac event

    Here’s a link to the actual published paper which is easier to read in browsers and carries more weight.

    This is freely available information and I wish more media did cover it in a responsible manner, because this data supports that the vaccine is quite safe - we see the same thing in the larger cohort studies.

    Unfortunately what we have in many western countries is a “dumbed down” populace that consumes childish media stories with very little information in them.