recent: tears of the kingdom, or as i like to call it botw 1.2, its the same thing all over again just with one or two added gimicks, the open world is dead, npcs are boring and nintendo just got away with it like that

not so recent: i cant stand persona 5, joker and his entourage are annoying teenagers, the time management is a horrible gameplay addition and the artstyle is just a visual overstimulation

with that being said,~~ plz dont kill me~~

    1 year ago

    Ocarina of Time. I thought 3D games from that era had terrible controls and ugly graphics even by the standards of the time, and that’s only gotten worse over the years. Plus I just wasn’t really ever all that into the Zelda formula from the time between A Link to the Past and Breath of the Wild. For me Breath of the Wild felt like a return to form after decades of mediocrity.

    I don’t even really think Ocarina of Time is bad, exactly. I just resent the fact that it feels like everybody I know holds it up as the greatest game of all time when in my opinion it’s practically the definition of mid.

      1 year ago

      I think it’s a generational gap. You’re looking at it from a vacuum perspective while other people are looking at it from the 1998 perspective… You may think graphics are bad in your high definition screen but I guarantee you that everyone back then thought the graphics were amazing on the CRT. You need to understand we were playing the SNES before N64 came out…

      Back then games were different, more simple in design and mostly linear. Ocarina of Time was a pioneer of its time. In my opinion it was the best game at the time it was released and one the biggest increase in quality to what we were used to play. Super Mario 64 is obviously up there as well.

      Obviously you have all the right to dislike the game but no need to resent people who did enjoy it.

        1 year ago

        I’m 45. I thought it looked terrible back then, I still think it looks terrible now. A Link to the Past looks a thousand times better than Ocarina of Time. I’ll take good pixel art over polygon counts so low you can count them on your fingers any day, and that was absolutely my opinion in the 90s just as much as it is now. I recognize that I have always been in the minority with that opinion, I just wish people like you would stop telling me I don’t understand. I do. I just still don’t like it.

        • alttp is THE Zelda game to me. It is one with graphics that, to me, still hold up really well.

          While I do still enjoy OoT, there is a lot of it that feels like a slog to me. And it definitely does not hold up well graphics wise.

        1 year ago

        While I agree there is no need to resent people for liking a video game, I can also sympathize with the feeling of bafflement and frustration that can result from everyone you know absolutely loving something you think is total rubbish. :P

      1 year ago

      I agree fully with ocarina of time. I had a N64 back in the day, but I never owned OOT because my parents said “it was too expensive”… so I never got that nostalgia factor after playing it years later.

      I would say, in regards to really good zelda games, I absolutely loved Link between Worlds. It’s mostly the same map as link to the past, but the main gameplay gimmick of sticking yourself on a wall or moving through a crack was really fun for me. I really like feeling that “aha” moment when trying to figure out if an area is inaccessible or if I just need to think about how to get there a bit more, then finally realizing what I needed to do. Super satisfying. YMMV, of course, but it’s worth a shot.

      1 year ago

      For similar reasons, Super Mario 64. I know that if I was growing up in the 90’s it would have been the coolest thing ever, but I’m not and I’m used to more modern Mario games.

      1 year ago

      Have you tried the 3ds remake? It can be much easier to play. I actually tried playing ocarina a few times, (thinking it was kinda overrated) but it took until the 4th for it to become one of my favourite zelda games, something just clicked I guess

      1 year ago

      I kinda enjoyed Ocarina, but then it got boring, and the skill gates that render the “open world” not actually open are maddening.

      Zelda Windwaker I enjoyed more, but that also got boring after a while. Too samey. And the ending was rubbish. And people say its look ages well, which it does relatively speaking, but it’s still a very flat and still ocean - nothing like the experience of sailing in modern games.

      I absolutely loved Twilight Princess, though.