Hello! I’m looking for book recommendations for learning programming fundamentals.
To be clear, I’m not necessarily looking for a book on learning language(s), but rather, programming, theory I guess you might call it?
For example, I’ve been playing around a lot in my terminal writing bash scripts, and I just implemented my first function. Another example, I know the phrase “Object Oriented programming”, but have no idea what it means.
I learn well by doing, and I’ve learned a lot just writing scripts and reading about bash scripting, but I also realize there’s a lot about programming at a higher level that I know nothing about.
I highly recommend the online book How to Think Like a Computer Scientist.
Fun fact, the person maintaining this book is professor emeritus from my college and received multiple awards of recognition from the IEEE
An author of the original book, Allen B. Downey, has released a third edition if his updates that is also available online at no cost and in Allen B. Downey’s words:
It’s interesting to see how the same source material has grown into two differently maintained and similar resources.