• rammer@sopuli.xyz
    23 days ago

    I don’t know what those sentences mean. You’re such an expert on Russia that you have never heard of defenestration. I bet you haven’t heard of any of these people either.

    Remember, your claim is that Russia is hiding the real toll. So you must know it yourself and be able to explain how it is being hidden. When was the last time Russia officially released casualty figures? It hasn’t since the very beginning of the war. And even then they were laughably inaccurate. Instead they have been saying that everything is going according to plan.

    Show me your most realistic estimate source. UK, Economist, Ukraine. They all agree on this.

    That is a very specific number Yes, because they are the ones who have been found through obituaries and verified. No guesswork involved.

    You did not answer my question. You didn’t understand my answer.

    This does not address what I said. Yes, it does. You said Russia can easily trade with the outside world. Going through middle-men in not easy, cheap or fast.

    What financials yell you the number of tanks Russia is currently producing? The financial reports of Uralvagonzavod. At least it gives and upper bound to the number of tanks they are able to produce.

    My comments have mostly been to poke holes in the absurdities and ask you to make your implied knowledge consistent with your claims. You have done nothing of the sort. You have ignored the direct evidence I have provided instead kept stead arguing that you are correct while providing no evidence for it.

    The 9% number is quarterly, for the year it will be around 7. Germany’s inflation rate in 2023 was around 6. It was around 4 in the UK for the same year, hitting 9% for a quarter the year prior. The US had rates of 7-9% in 2021-2022. Italy’s was 8 in 2022 and 5ish in 2023.

    You are not comparing like for like. You are taking figures from a time period when Russian figures were even worse. Way worse. And comparing them to the best Russia had. While it is true that the official figures for 2023 show inflation lower than the west. I wouldn’t completely trust those figures. Since they are not explained by any external factors.

    Ah yes, this is why 1950s America was just one big recession. The reason there wasn’t is because USA was just about the only industrialized nation capable of mass producing things after WW2. And they had massive orders from Europe. Helping them rebuild. I don’t see that happening with Russia. People aren’t exactly demanding Russian industrial products.

    Ah, looks like I am wrong…Still not weak, however. The mental gymnastics you have to go through to keep your opinion without providing any evidence on full display here.

    Both wages and employment are up, actually. Just a few comments ago you were arguing that wages weren’t rising and now they are. Which is it. Employment is up because there is a worker shortage.

    You ignored sections of my last comment that would allow you to partially answer this question yourself. Perhaps instead of replying only to the parts you feel like, you could read the full response and internalize it? I suggest you do the same.

    I haven’t made the error if saying a bunch of silly, very specific things that disagree with reality. Ah, looks like I am wrong Which is it?

    You have made specific claims that you have never proven or have been proven be factually incorrect. Even when I have repeatedly asked for proof you have not provided it. Instead you have demanded that I do all the heavy lifting. Which I am no longer willing to do.

    Good day, sir.