As quoted from the linked post.

It looks like you’re part of one of our experiments. The logged-in mobile web experience is currently unavailable for a portion of users. To access the site you can log on via desktop, the mobile apps, or wait for the experiment to conclude.

This is separate from the API issue. This will actually BLOCK you from even viewing reddit on your phone without using the official app. link in case the post is removed.

    1 year ago

    So, for a long time I’ve believed Elon is actually pretty dumb. He’s impulsive, was bad at programming, and frequently gets facts/figures absurdly wrong

    But then there’s that chat log between him and other billionaires… It circled around the idea of private companies bring free to shape social media being an existential threat

    He’s tanked Twitter and publicly boasts about how he turned it around and made it profitable through actions that drove people away from the platform. There’s no way the numbers work from what we knew before it went private, and they’ve stopped paying their bills - his claims are almost certainly false

    And yet, social media companies are listening - frankly, they probably don’t care if it’s true. If rich shareholders believe it, then by copying his methods their stock price will jump. Reddit and discord have started new initiatives that piss off their users since then… None of the methods will immediately collapse a network, but they’re generally targeted towards driving away both power users and rockstar employees. It will starve the networks of content over time, leading to a tower of babble moment where the platform disperses-leaving smaller and fewer locuses of control on pubic discourse

    So I keep coming back to this idea - is he a doing a zero-requiem and becoming the villain to inoculate us as a species against control by billionaires?

    But then I think back to his ego, and think he’s probably just blundering a role he’s unqualified for.

    But then, he does something else so dumb it seems like an intentional fumble, and it gets me thinking again

      1 year ago

      It’s pretty easy. He’s been lucky with the work he did (stole/claimed) once or twice in the past and ever since everyone is eating the BS he says. Twitter is only one thing. Hyperloop, SpaceX etc. are all Ideas a 9 year old would come up with and are so out of reality it isn’t even funny anymore. Or remeber when he was reinventing the Metro, but worse?

      He has be so rich so early in his life, that he never had to grow up. He then surrounded himself by yes-sayers and was lucky with how Tesla turned out (in that it got evaluated like a tech company, rather than a car company). Ever since he can’t fathom the idea that someone might know something he doesn’t. He also can’t grasp the idea that money can’t solve certain problems. His twitter posts show how little self control he has and most of it reads like things my 5 year old nephew would say. It’s insanity.

      1 year ago

      as a sex worker rights supporter (plus, my best friend is a sex worker) it’s honestly kind of scary to see both Twitter and Reddit destroy themselves (at the same time). Mostly because Twitter and Reddit (especially Twitter) are the only places left on the Internet for sex workers to simply exist in the post-FOSTA world that we live in (thanks Kamala Harris!)

        1 year ago

        So many questions.

        How is twitter and Reddit enabling sex workers?

        What’s is FOSTA?

        What did Kamala Harris do?

          1 year ago

          I’m feeling lazy (and also I’m about to go to bed so these answers are gonna be quite short.

          How is twitter and Reddit enabling sex workers?

          Basically, because of discrimination (that increased because of FOSTA) Twitter and Reddit are really the only “mainstream” “non-adult” platforms left that allow sex workers to exist.

          What’s is FOSTA?

          What did Kamala Harris do?

          From ChatGPT: *Kamala Harris, the current Vice President of the United States, was serving as a Senator from California at the time SESTA-FOSTA was passed. She played a role in supporting and co-sponsoring the legislation.

          As a co-sponsor, Harris worked alongside other lawmakers to introduce and advance the bill. She expressed concerns about the impact of online platforms in facilitating sex trafficking and advocated for holding them accountable. Harris emphasized the need to protect victims and combat the exploitation that occurs through online platforms.

          During her tenure as a Senator, Harris focused on issues related to criminal justice reform and combating human trafficking. SESTA-FOSTA was seen as part of her broader efforts to address these issues. However, it’s worth noting that SESTA-FOSTA has been a controversial law, and opinions on its effectiveness and potential unintended consequences differ among policymakers, advocates, and stakeholders.*

          From me: It should also be noted that Kamala used to be the Attorney General of California. Law enforcement despises sex workers. Needless to say, as someone that supports sex workers (my best friend is one) I’m not thrilled that Kamala occupies the 2nd most powerful position in the country. (God help us if she becomes President)