Recommended it to my friends, they were unimpressed.

It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. Maybe I’m old, cynical, coming from a D&D slash text adventure zork background, or I’m just drunk disaffected struggling with life and relationships but

The plot and dialogue choices are so intelligent. I constantly have to put down the steam deck in public because I’m laughing so hard.

Anyone else played this game?

    1 year ago

    I loved the game, myself, but I don’t often recommend it to people because of all the controversy around the creators of the game being fired and no longer having any control over the game.

    However, there was recently an UpIsNotJump video reviewing (I guess?) the game and it goes above and beyond. I’ve used his videos to convince people to try out games before-- maybe it would help you convince your friends to give it another try.

    Link here; it skips the cereal ad at the beginning: