The AI boom is screwing over Gen Z | ChatGPT is commandeering the mundane tasks that young employees have relied on to advance their careers.::ChatGPT is commandeering the tasks that young employees rely on to advance their careers. That’s going to crush Gen Z’s career path.

    1 year ago

    Why would you want to train people to do it wrong? If you had to train someone tomorrow would you show them the email client or give them a cart and have them deliver memos for a week?

    Right now we have handed over some more basic tasks to machines. Train the next generation to take those tasks being automated as a given.

      1 year ago

      It’s not the tasks that matter, it’s the understanding of the basics, the implications of certain choices and the real life experience in things like “how long I thought it would take vs how long it actually took” that comes with doing certain things from start to end.

      Some stuff can’t be learned theoretically, it has to be learnt as painful real life lessons.

      So far there seems to be an ill-defined boundary between what AI can successfully do and what it can’t, and sadly you can’t really teach people starting past that point because it’s not even a point, it’s an area where you have to already know enough to spot the AI-made stuff that won’t work, and the understanding there and beyond is built on foundational understanding of how to use simpler building blocks and what are the implications of that.