I just switched from ubo to adnaseam, and I’m wondering who’s wallet is getting hurt by those ads “I” click? the ad company? does the site then make money? if the sites make money, can I choose where I click? I’d like to not give sites I don’t agree with anything, but certain news sited I would

thanks :)

    • PirateMike94@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      More or less. Adnauseam could potentially be better for bloggers than UBo, but it really depends on how Google, Facebook, Bing interpret those “fake” clicks. If Facebook/Google can identify these clicks, they could make the choice of charging the advertiser regardless (and pay the blogger), OR exclude that impression (meaning the blogger doesn’t get paid), OR, if they identify a particular blog attracts more adnauseam users than usual (perhaps a privacy/security-related blog), they could exclude the blog from their ad programs entirely. Please understand this is all highly speculative because we don’t really know how these platforms treat fake clicks, if they are even aware of them at all, and so on.

      I expanded further on how online advertising works on another thread in this post, if you’d be like to read it.