TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) – China’s military sent 103 warplanes toward Taiwan in a 24-hour period in what the island’s defense ministry said Monday was a daily record in recent times.

  • ☭ Blursty ☭
    1 year ago

    China, which claims Taiwan as part of its territory, has conducted increasingly large military drills in the air and waters around Taiwan as tensions have grown between the two and with the United States. The U.S. is Taiwan’s main supplier of arms and opposes any attempt to change Taiwan’s status by force.

    Can you imagine China constantly patrolling around Hawaii and threatening the USA? Stirring up tensions and trying to paint the US as the aggressor?

      • ☭ Blursty ☭
        1 year ago

        “Imperialism”? What the fuck are you talking about?

        Whoever taught the lib masses to mindlessly repeat this word needs to get the wall.

        1 year ago

        Most of the dimensions along which Taiwan and Hawaii differ in their relation to the mainland regional hegemon are net positive for the tankie position.

        1. Hawaii is much farther away from the USA mainland than Taiwan to the Chinese mainland. This makes Chinese naval exercises around the island of Taiwan much less threatening to the USA than USA naval exercises around the island of Taiwan. (Taiwan and Key West are much more comparable on distance)

        2. The USA is illegally occupying Hawaii according to its own laws and international laws. The island of Taiwan has been part of the nation of China for centuries.

        3. The Chinese people have been on Taiwan for centuries. White settlers have been on Hawaii for much less time.

        4. The island of Taiwan is occupied by the loser in a civil war that the USA and UK protected and armed while they conducted a 40-year terror campaign called the White Terror where the purged all of their ideological opponents through mass murders, mass executions, and fascist oppression. The USA and UK happily protected, funded, and supported this. By contrast, the islands of Hawaii are occupied by settler colonists and the most violent and destructive military in world history while the original inhabitants of the island are still there and still trying to assert their sovereignty against the illegal occupation.

        5. China has more experience running one country with multiple autonomous regions than any country in the history of the world. These autonomous regions have settler colonial legal structures coexisting with Chinese legal structures because China has no interest in brutal domination. By contrast, the USA brutally dominates Hawaii, denying all indigenous systems of government, and actively destroying their environment, buying up their land like cultures, and is engaged in the classic settler colonial project of indigenous genocide.

        6. Taiwan is collaborating with the UK, Japan, and USA, all countries that have been actively attempting to dominate China and the Chinese people for centuries. There is no legitimate way to express Taiwanese secession that isn’t establishing it even further as a neo-colony of violent fascists. Hawaii, on the other hand, has no history of collaboration with the enemies of the USA and return of indigenous sovereignty does not mean encirclement of the continental USA.

        Essentially, if China was doing naval exercises near Hawaii it would be far less offensive than the USA doing them near Taiwan, and yet, we all know the USA would be screaming bloody murder and beating the war drums louder than ever.

        The fact that you think the false equivalency is in your favor shows just how ignorant of history you are.

        • Arcity 🇵🇸🇺🇦
          1 year ago
          1. Feeling threatened is no justification for invasion
          2. Why does legality inform your morality. Especially laws from a country you despise?
          3. This is blood and soil rhetoric
          4. Current day Taiwan is able to outgrow its fascist past by being free from its current day fascist neighbour.
          5. Tell that to Hong Kong, Tibet and the Uyghurs.
          6. Taiwan, just like any political entity should be able to associate with whichever country it wants. Advocating otherwise is arguing to colonize Taiwan.