We’re projected to reach temperatures not seen in more than an estimated 20 million years due to our actions within a couple centuries. Harder may end up being a massive understatement.
You may be right that I overstated that. In 2013 there was a study finding it had not changed this rapidly in 65 million years, though since then there have been studies suggesting there may have been incidents of very rapid change in the distant past. Here are some relevant links I found:
the climate has been changing for billions of years and yet life has somehow persevered through it. it’ll be fine, but your life may get harder.
Life but not necessarily human life.
We’re projected to reach temperatures not seen in more than an estimated 20 million years due to our actions within a couple centuries. Harder may end up being a massive understatement.
8.042 billion people now, pretty sure the species will survive
8.042 billion people that have existed for a fraction of the time the world has existed. I’m just not sure the number is any indicator.
The climate has never changed this rapidly before.
You can’t possibly know that
You may be right that I overstated that. In 2013 there was a study finding it had not changed this rapidly in 65 million years, though since then there have been studies suggesting there may have been incidents of very rapid change in the distant past. Here are some relevant links I found:
Studies of ice cores suggest climate change today is more rapid than in the past 800,000 years
The same ice core data, with sources
Climate change occurring ten times faster than at any time in past 65 million years
Today’s Climate Change Proves Much Faster Than Changes in Past 65 Million Years
Abrupt climate changes in Earth history
Rates of ancient climate change may be underestimated
Rapid climate change: lessons from the recent geological past
My life has already gotten harder…