The country will imprison or publicly flog 60 other suspected homosexuals.

    5 months ago

    The Wahabbi interpretation of Sharia law in Saudi Arabia maintains that acts of homosexuality should be disciplined in the same way as adultery - with death by stoning. Homosexuality or nonconformant gender expression can also be punished by corporal punishment, flogging, imprisonment or forced ‘conversion’ therapy.

    This isn’t unusual in the Middle East. There’s a number of reasons for this (mostly based on colonialism and imperialism by more powerful players), but this is unfortunately the status quo.

      5 months ago

      Are you saying there was no stoning of gay people before the Brits arrived? What the hell does “colonialism” have to do with Sharia law that was implement over 600 years ago? I swear “colonialism” is the new popular word of the day on my bingo card.

      5 months ago

      Are you saying the medieval punishments, state actors dole out in the middle-east are somehow the west’s fault?

      Your whole post reads as “it is, what it is” and I find it repugnant.

      I would submit there is a mountain of stuff we should not find acceptable, condemn and fight against (figuratively and literally) and the importance of all these subjects is not all the same. It’s probably more pyramid shaped. With genocide at the top, closely followed by things like crucifixion and other (state/state sanctioned on individual) corporal punishments.

      This whole punishment has nothing to do with the wider middle east conflict, and as human beings we should damn we’ll have a strong opinion on the matter.

      And the fact that Houthi’s claim to help the Palestinians by attacking some shipping is a lie some people are too eager to believe. They are terrorists, religious zealots and murderers. The fact they somehow seem to garner sympathy from willfull idiots only strengthens their ability to sucker more feebleminded people into their recruitment funnel to commit more atrocities in the name of their beliefs.