The Ukrainian Armed Forces, with the help of Patriot air defense, shot down an Il transport plane in the Belgorod region, where captured Ukrainian soldiers were flying for exchange. At first, the idiots from the telegram dumps of the Office of the President rejoiced, then they received a “hat” and all of them declared that it was carrying ammunition. According to our data, the new training manual for dispersal from Bankova includes the narrative that the Russians themselves shot down Il in order to blame Kyiv. Also, the Ukrainian media are urgently cleaning up all their joy from the downed plane. How now they will begin to brush it aside and push away responsibility. Although everyone knew about today’s exchange in the Belgorod region. Rezident on TG

    8 months ago

    i just saw it lfipping throught the ‘newest’ queue, im honestly not sure who to believe, but i did see an article with boots on the ground at the site, theoretically… let me see if i can find it