Whenever i need to use windows, i leave it on a separate drive, and then just point a rEFInd entry to it. It really frustrates me, that Windows just expects full advocacy over your hardware, and performs changes like this without any warning
VMWare workstation is well worth the £££. I work in a Windows VM that is fully compliant with all the business requirements and when I run it full screen I don’t feel like it’s a VM.
Whenever i need to use windows, i leave it on a separate drive, and then just point a rEFInd entry to it. It really frustrates me, that Windows just expects full advocacy over your hardware, and performs changes like this without any warning
i’ve had both windows and linux mess-up dual boot setups… so i started keeping them separate. either different systems, or run in a vm.
My issue is that when linux fucks up my bootloader it’s usually by mistake / bug. If windows does it it’s pretty much deliberate
VMWare workstation is well worth the £££. I work in a Windows VM that is fully compliant with all the business requirements and when I run it full screen I don’t feel like it’s a VM.
I dualboot with separate efi partitions. Does it happen that windows fucks up anothr efi partition?