I’ve never been sentimental about a social media site but it’s sad for me to see reddit so clearly killing itself. Pushshift is already banned and Apollo is soon to follow. Reddit will either pivot fully to a mainstream audience or die out. It’s just sad for me to see it doing it to itself.

  • MHcharLEE@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s a bittersweet kind of reaction for me. I’ve been aware of how shit reddit’s been for a while, and how shit it’s been habit-wose for myself. So maybe it’s the push i needed to get away. That’s the sweet part I guess.

    The bitter part is, I moderate a relatively small community (181k) that’s been a passion of mine for literal years. Still is. If i have to moderate that with the official app, I’m out, I can’t do it, I tried. I know reddit doesn’t care about me or my community. It’s all a rounding error. But this situation applies to bigger communities as well. And it’s just a big slap in the face after being exploited. Reddit absolutely needs moderstors, needs this free labor. And they just said fuck you to those people.

      • MHcharLEE@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Well they must’ve done the numbers and determined that enough of moderstors use their app/website that those revolting are negligible. That, or they really need to squeeze this thing dry before IPO, no matter what.