In a strange shift, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was quoted as saying that Israel’s war on Gaza is identical to Moscow’s military operation against Ukraine.

The comments, attributed to Russia’s top diplomat, were cited by Russia Today in an interview on Thursday with RIA Novosti.

“The goals declared by Israel for its ongoing operation against Hamas militants in Gaza seem nearly identical to those put forward by Moscow in its campaign against the Ukrainian government,” RT quoted Lavrov as saying.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 21,320 Palestinians have been killed, and 55,603 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.

Palestinian and international estimates say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

Many international law experts have accused Israel of carrying out a genocide in the besieged Gaza Strip.

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    9 months ago

    Yeah because Ukraine has a real army. And air defenses, those are also important. Russia isn’t not evil, they’re failing at being evil.

        9 months ago

        I mean not really? While not exactly the same, the Israeli and Russian treatment of the territory they occupied in their respective wars are similar in their complete and utter apathy for civilians. I mean Russia has been bombing hospitals and other civilian infrastructure, just like Israel (albeit with completely different amounts because again, Ukraine has a real army).

        Put another way, if Ukraine had been systematically robbed of and denied the means to defend themselves like Gaza was, it’d also be in a similar situation. The critical difference here is that Ukraine is in a much better position to resist, not that Russia isn’t attempting genocide. Basically Russia is looking at Israel and saying “I wish this was me”, not “I’m better than that”.

        9 months ago

        Yes, because Russia is failing. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the West as much as you do, but the things Russia is doing in their occupied territories in Ukraine are only not currently genocide because they’re failing. Put another way, if Russia could they’d do to Ukraine what the IDF is doing to Gaza.

            9 months ago

            You make no sense. They said Israel is commiting a genocide which is a western aligned country and Russia would be doing the same if Russia had the capacity. Then you throw whataboutism in and so much other noise that doesn’t even seem connected.

            I’m not even sure if you think Israel is commiting a genocide or not.

            Seems you need Russia to be the good guys and can’t accept that everyone is shitty.

              8 months ago

              You are failing to comprehend what is being said. There is no genocide being committed by Russia. The hypothesis that Russia would be committing genocide if it could is completely wild speculation without evidence. It is a bald faced assertion that Russia is evil, without even a hint of self awareness.

              There is no evidence for this claim. There is no basis for this claim. The claim’s purpose is to establish that, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, Russia is at least as bad as Israel or the USA. The evidence demonstrates that this is not true, but the Westoid brain worms cannot consume this, so morons make up fanfic and present it as reality which their brain worms can feed on. It’s pure delusion to say Russia would be actively committing genocide if it had the means.