If proper CPR involves compressing the chest so much such that the ribcage might break - doesnt that breakage risks a bone puncturing the heart?
If proper CPR involves compressing the chest so much such that the ribcage might break - doesnt that breakage risks a bone puncturing the heart?
Careful dealing in absolutes there, a Danish driver’s license requires an 8hr first aid course.
Here in Amuricastan, we don’t need no stinking class to learn how to drive a 3000 pound death missile. A signature, a 70% on a multiple-choice exam, and a cursory vision check (can you see through your eyes) is all we need for our FREEDUM MACHINES. First aid is for sissies.
There’s so many things, where your country has decided to go “you guys are doing x? We’re doing x^-1 because fuck you, that’s why!”
One of the most baffling things is your driver’s ed. I spent the equivalent of 2.8K USD to get a license, I had to attend
before being allowed to even attempt a multiple choice exam (which 28% fail on the first try) and then a practical exam.
All the while you can get a license at 16yo, and it’s wham bam thank you mam easy to get. While a Danish teen can’t drive alone before they’re 18 and have spent all that time and money… Smh and don’t get me started on guns, that’s even more different.