German energy giant RWE has begun dismantling a wind farm to make way for a further expansion of an open-pit lignite coal mine in the western region of North Rhine Westphalia.

I thought renewables were cheaper than coal. How is this possible?

    11 months ago

    Yeah that’s an IFF symbol. The Russians aren’t doing calligraphy with their Zs either. It’s something that soldiers paint with a brush in the field.

        11 months ago

        The Balkenkreuz goes back to the Teutonic Order. The Nazis used it a lot which is why the Bundeswehr didn’t, but that doesn’t mean that painting a cross in a rush makes you a Nazi.

        Seriously, what do you think soldiers in the field trying to not get shot at by their own guys are thinking about. I’ll give you a hint: Whether it’s more important to be camouflaged to the enemy or identifiable for friendlies, that’s it. Ukraine is using a simplified version of the Cossack Cross for that purpose, it’s a native part of their symbolism and easily distinguishable from the stuff Russians use. If everything that looks like a cross is now a Balkenkreuz and therefore Nazi you might want to take it up with various Christian Churches.

        Oh and just for the record you’ll get arrested in Germany for showing the Z in a Russia/Ukraine context, including as a St. George Ribbon.