Recognizing fake news now a required subject in California schools::undefined

    10 months ago

    Getting good grades does not mean you internalized the content (ideally, it would, but generalized assessment is this whole thing). A teenager failing to apply themselves is hardly an indictment on that person as an adult.

    I’m saying true things, not insulting you. When you were 16 you missed the abstracts of your lessons and assumed that means the lesson wasn’t taught. That’s incorrect. It’s, ultimately, not a huge deal - you’re just wrong about the information not being taught.

    If it helps you feel less insulted, I got great grades in HS and went to college on an academic scholarship, I still failed to apply myself in several subjects in high school, and had to relearn several concepts in college. That’s what kids do

    Ivan Illich

    I will literally discuss Russian lit with you all day. I love it.


    You’re saying I failed to learn, that means my teachers and standardized tests completely failed to evaluate learning

    It’s more apt to say that their assessment wasn’t tailored specifically enough to assess your gaps. See my above assessment grumble.