also feel free to comment your own suggestions for news sites for tech updates that don’t pay wall on the web page.

New York times - abc -

the hill - BBC news -

while nonprofit Npr doesn’t pay wall, they have a new pop up that says something along the likes of “expected a paywall not our style please donate” that the user can dismiss and continue browsing the site.

Reuters use to be a good source for me untill they started pay walling after a small amount of news article reads.

    11 months ago

    The problem isn’t that I refuse to pay. The problem is that I don’t want to pay everyone.

    Newspapers need a payment mechanism where users can pay once and get access to a range of papers, not just one. People are cutting things like Netflix, Hulu, Paramount, etc because they don’t want to pay for all of these services. I shouldn’t be required to have a subscription to NYT, WashPo, Los Angeles Times, the local news paper, just so I can click on any link.

    If they can figure out a way to make this easy for users, they will have more money than they know what to do with.

    The reason adblock and paywall bypassers are so popular right now is because newspaper businesses are working like streaming companies and refusing to work together. But they don’t have the exclusive on news like Paramount does on Star Trek or Prime does on The Expanse.

    So a link to a news story can come from anywhere and users have voted with their wallets. If they aren’t going to make it easy to subscribe to everyone, we’ll just bypass the paywall.