Super Waterproof Material One Step Closer as Scientists Reveal New Nanotech::“Our work is the first time that anyone has gone directly to the nanometer-level,” Sakari Lepikko, lead author of the study, said in a statement.
Super Waterproof Material One Step Closer as Scientists Reveal New Nanotech::“Our work is the first time that anyone has gone directly to the nanometer-level,” Sakari Lepikko, lead author of the study, said in a statement.
So, I think I found the original study:, because for some reason these articles never cite the actual studies. What happened to citing sources??
Anyway, apparently they did grew octyltrichlorosilane on silicon wafers. Now, I have no idea what octyltrichlorosilane is, but here is some information I found about it
It seems to be purely a chemical used for research, so this study would be more of a proof of concept, and you would replace the chemical used with something else for production.
Damn I guess I still gotta wipe…