MFW I tried to commit suicide once.

[a picture of a sad woodsman Pepe]

>be me
>have staff bow with arrows found at garage sale
>home alone and miserable
>start shooting bow at my mattress
>get idea
>go outside and shoot bow straight up in the air
>close my eyes and wait for deaths release
>nothing happens
>shoot another and then a other
>not working
>this time I shoot up in the air and try to watch to see where it’s going to land
>run across lawn hopping it hits me
>keep doing this for a while
>parents come home
>watch me furiously shoot arrow into air then run around the back yard
>parents think I’m autistic and took my bow away

    1 year ago

    Uh oh, you said a naughty word your instance didn’t like. Because apparently “bitch” is a bridge too far.