E: archive.org gave me some options which I need to test, but for now I’m calling it SOLVED, thanks!
I know I’m not meant to ask for a specific title, but it’s the second in the series where you age up your empire wink wink…
Looking for the HD edition in English, so far I just keep getting Russian versions, if I risk downloading at all, since most the sites that are coming up in my search look dodgy af…
Fair enough! Not trying to guilt or pass judgement.
Have you used windows sandbox before? I’ve used it with success back when I used cracked executables.
Windows sandbox? What is that? Like a VM?
A VM that is cut off from the rest of the computer so that malware cannot pass to your computer.
Not exactly a VM but a desktop environment.
I appreciate it.
And no, I’ve not used the sandbox before, I generally just scan the file for viruses and hope for the best (terrible practice, I know, but I so rarely download anything), but I would be happy to try it out, problem is all the versions I’ve downloaded so far have been in Russian (even when selecting English), so even if I do test them in the sandbox, I still don’t know what any of the UI is saying lol