I dont remember the age, but it was before Kindergarten, thought men came into the house at night to load the next days shows into the TV.
I dont remember the age, but it was before Kindergarten, thought men came into the house at night to load the next days shows into the TV.
Kept the covers over my head for this exact same reason. I figured I would feel it if a vampire tried to remove the blanket or sheet and I could defend myself… no real thought or planning put into how I would defeat a vampire, but at least I’d be awake. A very religious aunt told me vampires don’t exist and that it was in fact demons sent from hell that were trying to get me and all children… I was four when this was explained to me. It’s one thing to get scared because you saw a movie about a kind of monster and quite another to have an adult you’ve been told by your parents to respect explain what to her was a real monster and one of which she was convinced actually existed. I was a very light sleeper well into my teens.