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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • The difference between MLKs views about moderates in the civil rights movement and not supporting surgeries and drugs for children is that white people were (and arguably still are) actively oppressing black people.

    Puberty is not something that is “inflicted” on anyone. It just happens, it’s part of life. It’s disingenuous to assert that puberty is an affliction , or that someone is afflicting it on someone else. Unless you’re also arguing that birth is an affliction?

  • Maybe there will be a time when most voters agree with surgeries and drugs for children, but I don’t think we’re there yet, and I don’t think your “fuck off and die” attitude is going to convince very many people to be accepting of trans people.

    You’re providing a perfect example of the kind of attitude that will get fascists elected. You’re replying to someone who largely supports trans people and issues, but you’re foaming at the mouth over arguments that I didn’t advance, implying that I think it’s OK to murder trans people.

    Consider that the idea of puberty being something that moderates are “inflicting” on trans kids is a fairly radical view and you might need to do more than tell people to “fuck off and die” if you want support for your cause.

  • The right: “Trans people shouldn’t exist, people who allow boys to dress as girls and use different pronouns are groomers and should be shot. The far left wants to mutilate your children and put them on hormone drugs.”

    Moderates: “Adults can do what they want, and kids should be loved and supported even if they want to present as a different gender. Surgeries and drugs are a bridge too far, and should wait until the child is of age.”

    Leftists on Lemmy: “If you don’t support transgender surgeries and drugs for kids, you’re the enemy

    Do you really think that people who hold the moderate position are the enemy?

    This kind of thinking is exactly why we have such a festering fascism problem in western civilization right now.

    My enemy is the far right fascists, and I want to be able to tell independent voters that they’re wrong about the left, that the left does NOT want to give their kids permanent surgeries and life altering drugs until they are adults that can make those decisions.

    I want to be able to tell them that the trans issue is being used to divide us and get people to vote against their economic interests.

    Maybe let’s just stay focused about who the enemy really is, so that when the dust settles, more reasonable people can have an adult discussion about where the line is on these sorts of issues. I don’t think this is a settled issue, even within “the left”.

  • I’ll layer on to the other replies which are spot on…

    One reason I’ve soured on hydrogen is that it’s overall much less efficient than battery as an energy storage mechanism.

    This is a really in depth article about a study that found that “well to wheel” efficiency of battery EVs was 70-80% and with hydrogen it’s 25-30%.

    I was initially excited about hydrogen as energy storage for renewable sources, but battery tech has improved and is improving.

    Also, one of the major advantages of a BEV for me is the ability to charge at home, possibly from energy generated by my own panels. Even if there were solutions for me to generate my own hydrogen, I’d rather lose 20-30% of that energy with a BEV than lose 70-75% with a FCEV.

  • I’m not sure it’s true that the Israeli government doesn’t care about American public opinion, since they do benefit from American military support, but let’s assume what you said is true.

    Even if Americans protesting won’t stop the genocide, won’t end apartheid, I’d prefer that those atrocities are not committed with my tax dollars, with support from my government, in my name. The lesson learned from 9/11 shouldn’t have been “we need to enact regime change anywhere in the world where American interest are opposed”. It should have been “Americans better make sure they are OK with the things that their government is doing abroad”.

    I’m not OK with it, I’m not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that Gaza can be levelled with “made in America” munitions. I’m not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that oil companies and other big business interests have friendly regimes to collude with in the region as they scam the people out of their resources and freedoms.

  • Replayed the Prime series a bunch, most recently the switch remake of Prime.

    Great series, I didn’t like some of the dialog/cinematics of the third one but the gameplay was great.

    Dread was really good, exceeded expectations. Final boss was hard I’m not sure I ever beat it.

    Super Metroid was great but I’m not sure whether I ever beat Ridley.

    I think I completed the remake though. Really hoping to see Prime 4 at some point, maybe on a new console.

  • I primarily use GitHub CLI to interact with the GitHub API, not Git. I don’t really see it as an extension of the Git CLI, which I use much more frequently. Everything you can do with it can also be done through their REST API.

    I use it for things that aren’t really git features, like:

    Syncing repository admin, pull request, and branch control settings across multiple repositories

    Checking the status of self-hosted actions runners

    Creating pull requests, auto-approving them

  • Part of the issue is that their sales pitch to get management to onboard is full of outright lies. They have one chart that basically shows that they are the leading cloud provider, beating out AWS and Azure.

    As a software engineer I called them out on their bullshit right away. Sure, you can build pages on Salesforce, similar to SharePoint and some other CMS products, but it is NOT a platform that is truly competing with AWS or Azure.

    Management still proceeded to go full hog into Salesforce as our “development platform” and pay consultants 300$ an hour to build shit solutions that should have just been built with standard languages on real cloud platforms. I left that dumpster file shortly after.

    Now it almost seems like Salesforce is a joke in the industry, since many companies made those same mistakes and got stuck with huge bills and having to eventually back out. It doesnt help them that they basically priced themselves out of the CRM space, by trying to get you to build everything on their “platform”.